This is my first character sheet in years so be gentle, but let me know if you want me to change anything. [b]Codename:[/b] Zephyr (God of the West Wind) [b]Real Name:[/b] Erik Warner [b] Appearance: [/b]Erik stands at about 6'5 and is athletically built, he has tan skin and black hair that he keeps buzzed short. He has a crooked smile that is accented by silver caps he wears over his top and bottom canines, one of his most defining features caused by his stream are his semi pointed ears and his deep completely white eyes, giving him the appearance of an otherworldly being. [b]Skills[/b] Skills Specialty: Infiltration. Agent Zephyr specializes in stealth. While at times goofy and casual, he can sneak through the shadows without anyone noticing with light feet and a controlled breath. Others: -Survivalist: Able to survive in the wilderness for extended periods of time. -CQC:Hatchets: He is extensively trained with his hatchets in close quarters combat. -Limited Medical knowledge (can set broken bones, stitch up cuts and gunshots) [b]Stream[/b] Manifestation: Line of sight teleportation, If he can see the location (photographs excluded) he can instantaneously teleport there, the further it is from him the more it strains his body, he usually prefers to keep them less than 75ft but he is fully capable of "jumping" up to a mile away but it makes him extremely tired Purity:6 [b]Equipment [/b] Armor: [hider=Stealth Suit] [IMG][/IMG]Because his main focus is stealth, agent Zephyr wears a experimental camouflage suit, it bends light in order to render it's wearer almost invisible to the naked eye and cameras as long as he is standing still. The stealth suit is also significantly less armored than the standard issue suit and if the material becomes damaged to much its stealth mode ill not be able to function properly.[/Hider] Weapons:[hider=Dual Hatchets] He wears these across his back [IMG][/IMG] [/Hider] Sometimes he takes throwing knives on missions as well Personality: Erik is always up to have fun and clown around, sometimes it carries over into the missions even when he tries his hardest to focus, thankfully he is usually able to prioritize. Erik is not the type to give up easily. History:Erik grew up in a log cabin secluded up in the upper peninsula of Michigan this is where he learned most of his survival skills like hunting, fishing and trapping. Erik discovered his abilities at a young age and his parents where able to help him channel it, gradually increasing his range and stamina. He enlisted to Olympus as soon as he was old enough because he always wanted to be able to use his abilities to help his country advance.