Olivia had managed to take down the targets with near-inhuman speed. She snapped from target to target with a blink of an eye. One shot per kill. It was quick and professional, just the way she was trained to do. The female operator's leg had healed up considerably since the last time she had seen some physical activity. It wasn't 100% that was for sure, but she was able to be very mobile and quick. At 100% Olivia was deadlier, so every enemy she facex next probably would be considered lucky since they didn't have to deal with Olivia at full force. Her shooting was still on point, which was really nice. As she put her weapon down, she listened to Merlin comment on her sharp shooting skills. It was flattering coming from the illusive Merlin. As he would leave her be to practice more if she wanted to, Olivia nodded and reloaded her gun. Yes, the magazine still had rounds in it but a fresh magazine was a luxury that Olivia intended to enjoy. She continued to shoot away at the targetd up until she heard mention of food. Suddenly the SAS operator's stomach was growling to the point where she wasn't able to focus anymore. It was rather frustrating but everyone had to eat anyway. She had unloaded her ACR right after she had loaded it, just for safety reasons. This would be the first thing she would do with people other than Merlin so she wanted to make a good impression. BBQ was a favorite of Olivia's, but being the kind of person she was she would allow her teammates to have their share before she'd have hers.