[center][h2]Ambush! Roll for initiative![/h2][/center] The sun was warm, and the breeze was cool. An ideal day for walking and probably his favorite kind of weather. He didn't know if it really was but he was enjoying it, that was certain enough. He didn't talk much as they travelled. He didn't take the letter and he knew he wouldn't be able to do much to defend it so he stayed quiet and took in the surroundings. Yar seemed like a very nice place. He felt like he could just breathe in the atmosphere forever, it felt like a good place. He felt like he wouldn't mind living in this world even if what he left behind was something he'd never know. He wondered if any of his other party members wanted their old life back but he sort of doubted it. They seemed just as happy as he was after all. [i]Hmmm, the quest window said there would be enemies...[/i] He thought. [i]I wonder where they are?[/i] As soon as he thought that, there was a loud(I'm assuming) explosion right in front of them. He fell backwards, partially due to his light weight but mostly due to his surprise. The explosion didn't actually have that much power in it, but his reactions weren't great. He quickly scrambled to his feet as smoke filled the road. [b]"Be careful everyone!"[/b] He shouted. The smoke was filled with the sounds of shouts and screams as the citizens of Yar who had been going around their daily lives fled the scene. He could still see the rest of the party, he'd been staying close to Ranca because he felt safest next to her. [b]"W-we need to stick together!"[/b] He said. [@Rin][@VitaVitaAR][@Raineh Daze]