[IMG]http://i1180.photobucket.com/albums/x416/Qwarkl/my_waterbender_by_bjhenriquez-d582bf4_zpsbd6be780.jpg[/IMG] “Every move you make in combat should be to either create an advantage, or remove the advantage of your opponent.” "The Basics..." Name: Kai Sun Liao Primary Element: Water, non-bender Nickname: “Little Penguin”- a name given to him by his mentor when Kai first began learning the arts of combat. Although he originally hated it as the name referred to his thin frame and his habit of seeking solitude among some of the smaller, nearby icebergs. “Unagi”- a name rarely used by his peers, largely a reference to the comparatively large numbers of blade he keeps in his weapons harness. It is a comparison to the sea serpents many teeth and spikes. Age: 20 Gender: Male Sexuality: Hetero Occupation: Although his primary occupation is hunter for times of peace, Kai has been trained in many types of martial arts and considers “warrior” to be his true profession. "The Appearance..." Description of Appearance: Kai stands at just under six feet in height, with an athletic frame concealed beneath his clothing. Having grown up among the water tribe, where the most common types of food are those you must hunt for, Kai bears very little fat at all and has a complexion which is paler than normal for his tribe. Straight, shoulder length black hair bound into a ponytail frames a face with stark blue eyes that almost appear to look at the world with a coldness not unlike his homeland. Style: Kai's outfit varies from his “summer gear” which is comprised of a loose fitting blue tunic and black pants, to his more traditional outfit of a thick blue robe with white fur sewn to the inside. Over each of these outfits Kai wears a breastplate, bracers, and greaves crafted from the hides of leatherback seals. His weapons also remain with him no matter which outfit he is wearing, one of which being a straight sword carved of whale bone that is sheathed at his hip, the other being a harness that cuts diagonally across his chest, bearing several small throwing darts crafted from the teeth and bones of sharks. "Delving A Little Deeper..." Likes: Martial Arts, weapons and armor of quality craftsmanship, and although he is not one to bring it up, Ka bears a certain love for paintings and calligraphy. Dislikes: Kai harbors a slight jealousy towards benders, seeing their power as an art form and a weapon he can never truly master. Strengths: As a weapons master, Kai is ever truly “unarmed”, as he believes that hand to hand combat should be studied and practiced as much as, if not more so than weapons arts. Weaknesses: Kai bears a code of honor which dictates that he cannot be the first to attack, and when fighting, he must make an effort to subdue a fellow human, rather than simply kill them. Kai acknowledges that this could one day lead to his death, but retorts that such a concept forces him to even greater feats of strength and skill as he usually begins a battle at a disadvantage. Personality: Kai's code of honor is as complex as it is rigid. Although it may seem hypocritical at times, Kai's code, for instance, does not permit him to attack first save for special circumstances such as saving another's life. It does not, however, prevent him from baiting his opponent into attacking. The end result is that Kai is overall a cold and calculating person, always seeing every encounter from a tactical perspective and preparing for total strangers to attack at any time. Kai accepts however, that his code of honor does not rule over those around him, so while he himself would not attack first, he does regard an attack upon an ally to be an attack upon himself and would respond accordingly. Kai also keeps his jealousy towards benders buried very deeply, hiding it behind a smile even though his eyes come close to betraying the truth anytime he watches a bender train. In regards to the Avatar, this ingrown jealousy wars with a lifetime of being taught that the Avatar was to be given the utmost respect and reverence as a representative of the spiritual world. Deep down, he worries that if given the chance to save the life of an Avatar or end it, which would he really choose? "Delving Even More Deeper..." History: Although he is aware of the basics of water bending, Kai himself has never bee able to bend, nor has he shown any affinity for the other elements. Having been born among the water tribe, Kai spent much of his early life struggling against the cold of his homeland and slowly learning how to overcome it. By the time he reached ten years of age, he had begun to tag along on the tribe's hunters trips and demonstrated a great aptitude for ambushing and herding the seals that his village favored hunting. As his grasp for tactics and combat overall became apparent, he entered a dual apprenticeship when he came of age. Alongside the hunters, he learned to hunt, how to set traps, how to skin, cook, and make use of various animal parts while simultaneously learning the martial arts and weapons associated with the water tribe. After being sent to the academy, Kai began to learn and master the weapons and martial arts of various tribes, though his chosen weapons and equipment still remain of the water tribe, a tribute to his origins. Just to help people out, heres a name generator that might be useful http://www.behindthename.com/random/