Xavier sat inside a small outcropping of stone from the cave he had near the city, his cloak's hood down but he had bandages wrapped around most of his face concealing it from the harshness of the sun. his piercing mis matched blue and red eyes overlooking the city of Vekia, from his vantage point he saw a lot of the goings on inside the city. However to truly get close to his quarry he needed to get into the city, he growled and grimaced at the idea. People were drawn to him despite himself looking like an untouchable vagabond, something about his walk he could never change, the gait of a leader one person had said long ago. He knew what the man meant, for all his acting the walk of shame that most peasants had would not come to him, he was too proud, too strong a man to let such weakness overtake him, even if it meant being unseen during times such as these. He sighed and smiled, his pointed canines glinting in the sunlight and he pulled his hood up and unwrapped the bandages, instead donning a mask covering his mouth and nose and decided to walk the rest of the way to town, for most it would have been a long hike, but for him it was a quick run to the town gate, the vampire obviously slowing and walking normally before getting within eyesight of the gate and the guards there. He pulled his mask down smiling and nodding to both the guards at the gate, they let him in easily enough, his fine features and strong build made it seem like he was either here for fun or looking to get hired, As he entered the city his mask was back onto his face and his hood pulled farther down to cover his eyes, he walked the streets, breathing slightly labored, and looked around for maybe a tavern or some other place to lay low in until night came. He stopped and decided he needed a rest, and sat at a bench under a tree, the shade was adequate but not enough for him to lower his hood, however he did pull the mask down and leaned forward, making sure he looked as natural as one could look with a heavy cloak and hood on, and layed his head in his hands, he took a sip from a hip flask, but the red liquid inside was not alcohol, but what sustained him, blood, and he was running low on it. He would have to feed. He did notice beggars and street urchins, they would be adequate as meals and potential resupplys he supposed, he had wished animals would've been enough but they never tasted as sweet as human blood, nor did it sustain his body as well, there was something about a sentient beings blood, could be the fear during a hunt, or even the capture, he did not know. All Xavier knew was he needed to either find what he needed fast, someone who no one would miss, and find some work that would lead him to finish his ages long promise. He looked up and wondered where to start, he started moving through the crowds again moving towards a likely area, the center of town seemed like the nest place to check first, there could be a crier or a job board there.