Name: Aya Whistler Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: Brilliant, innocent yellow eyes, and pale skin. A petite brunette through and through, at 4'9" and 113lbs. Usually wears a yellow sundress, with a purple, velvet, wide rimmed sunhat, red rimmed glasses and brown sandals. Personality: A shy, soft-spoken girl that will do what needs to be done, but won't break past her morals. When she speaks, she always has a stutter that gets worse the more aggitated she gets. Quick to anger, quick to forgive, her temper is a unnatural break from her introverted personality, and her anger simultaneously annihilates her stutter entirely, only to return when her temper controls itself. Has the most adorable glare you've ever seen. First Weapon: A giant, double handed battle-axe that she can somehow carry and swing normally with her tiny arms Starting Power: Glamour - The user envelopes herself and anything attached to her with a shield of pure light that lays ontop of the surface of whatever is within it, allowing her to either fade into her surroundings, or cause a bright flash that can equal looking straight at the sun in intensity. She can only "fade" if she stands still, because moving would cause anomalies in the air, and only for 10 minutes before becoming exhaused. Adding another object to the "fade" will divide the time by the number of objects. Also, she only has enough energy to use "flash" 3 times a day, each one using up a third of her energy everytime she used it.