[b]"Well it seems that we are all getting along now,"[/b] the White Rabbit observed. [color=gray]"Well, there's still one thing I'm not okay with..."[/color] Raven had extended her friendship to Milda and Wesley, but Wesley still was suspicious of the Rose and her vessel. He just got a bad feeling from her. But she was clearly not going to hurt them so he'll let his suspicion go. On one condition of course. [color=gray]"Whatever magic thing you're doing to my dad. Stop it. I don't appreciate you messing with my dad's life. And I definitely will not trust you until you stop,"[/color] he said, taking a step forward. His eyes were cold as he stared at the older woman. [b]"You are being a bit harsh and rude, Wesley."[/b] [color=gray]"I don't care. I don't want anyone messing with my family like that. We have enough problems by ourselves as it is."[/color] He could admit that he was in a bad mood. But after the whole weird day and then coming home to a woman who seemed to control his usually respectable dad like he was her pet was not something that constituted as a "good day". There was no way that Dad would forget Mom like that. And the whole meeting at work story? He didn't buy it at all. There was no way a woman as young and beautiful as Milda would fall for his father. So it had to be some stupid power that the Rose gave her vessel similar to the powers Raven and Wes have inherited.