Since we have all 8 letters now, some ideas for team name combos: VORP (Vorpal?); [s]OVRP (OVERPOWERED)[/s] & BRSS (Brass); [s]SRBS (Scrubs)[/s]; SSBR (Saber?) SPRS (Spruce) & BRVO (Bravo) SORB (Sorbet) & [s]RSVP (Party)[/s]; [s]PRVS (Pervs) sorry[/s]; SVBR (Saber? Upside down a?) I now know the pain that Ozpin must go through at the start of every year. Sometimes the names just don't work. I put a strike through the joke ones, in case that wasn't obvious. I just couldn't resist putting them. Unfortunately, RROS (And ROSR) didn't have any decent complementary team names from what I could tell, so I didn't put them up. [@ReaptheMusic] Those drawings are awesome, man.