Everyone kneeled down around Ryan. Ken was the first to make a move. Ryan looked at hum and nodded. Ken's hand started to blaze with blue fire. He then slammed his flaming hand to the forearm where Ryan's hand use to be. The smell of burning flesh filled the air. Ryan let out a blood curtailing scream that echoed through the air. After the scream the grounds were silent. But odd. The creatures, demons, gnomes, imps, fairies, pixies, the living vegetation on the grounds seemed to be looked over at what was going on. They seemed concern. The next thing that happened happened quickly. Ken, Thor, Doug, and Ace picked Ryan up and quickly moved him inside. Tara following closely behind. Omni looked at Reagan and knelled down in front of her and pulled her onto his back. He then carried her inside after everyone. They quickly walked him carefully into the house and through a door into the living room. "Mom is going to have to preform surgery on him. Those ice spears that woman were using had metal needles in them. They are poison in them. Omni looked up and walked into the living room. He watched as the quickly put a sheet down on the floor and placed Ryan on it. Ken and Thor hastily took Ryans blood stained clothes off and threw them into the corner in the room. Not a second later and Rose walked in pushing a cart in. Tara nodded to her and pulled a tray off of it. It have several scalpels on it along with needles, thread, syringes viles, and bandages. Omni placed Reagan on the couch so she could see Ryan. Omni knew he needed to see her. Ace came over quickly with a bottle of vodka that Snatched from him and sat up and chugged a large amount. Then it started. Everyone back up except for Neesa and Heather. Tara picked up a scalpel and made a cut. This didn't seem to bother Ryan much, but when Tara picked up the tongs was was bothered Ryan. Tara took the tongs and put them into the opened wound and had to turn them in his skin. Ryan yelled loudly. He tried to get up, but it didn't last. Ace, Ken, Thor, and Heather grabbed one of his limbs and held him down. "RYAN STAY STILL!, "screamed Tara at Ryan. She then quickly jerked the tongs out from his skin. Between the two prongs was a 5 inch needle that was dripping with blood. Tara dropped it onto the tray and went back to make another cut. Ryan looked over at Reagan. His face pale, but he managed a smile for her and mouthed the words, "Be brave, for me." He let out another scream at Tara put the tongs into his chest trying to find another needle. Omni looked at Reagan and then at his father. "He needs to see us you know?" Omni said to Reagan. "In times like this, we give him a reason to live. We give him strength to push through this. We have to be brave for him." Omni took Reagan's hand into his. He knee she was worried. As Tara went in to get the 3rd needle Neesa grabbed at syringe off the tray and a vile of red liquid. She quickly filled the syringe and stuck it in Ryans arm and emptied it into him. His screamed continued as Tara dug around for the next needle in his chest. She quickly found it and dropped it into the tray. Ryan looked horrible. He was nude, covered in blood, screaming, missing his hand, laying on the the flood. Everyone in the family watched as Tara removed the needles. Even rose, the zombieish maid stood in the corner watching. Her hands grasped together in front of herself, and he lips moved as if she was praying or chanting for this to go right. The screaming filling the room. Omni slipped forward on the couch. "It's not working. Nana!. The healing inducer isn't working on him!", yelled Omni at Tara. Tara stopped for a moment and looked at his wounds. Omni looked at Reagan. "That red stuff Neesa put in Dad is part of dads blood. Dad can heal his own wounds somewhat with it. But it's not working for some reason." Then it his Omni. "The poison." Omni quickly stood from the couch and walked over to the tray and picked up one of the needles covered in Ryan's blood. He licked it and then took a second to think. He nodded. Omni quickly walked to his fathers head. The next thing Omni did was shocking. Omni pulled a knife from his pocket and cut open his wrist. He put it to Ryan's mouth. Ryan looked up at his son and shook his head. "DAD. This is no time to argue. You're going to die. Drink my blood!". Omni shoved his bleeding wrist to Ryan's mouth. Ryan tried to fight back, but was thwarted. Grabbing the top of Ryans head, Omni made him stop struggling and drink his blood. After a few moments of everyone watching, Tara went back to work. Ryan couldn't help but stop drinking Omnis blood as he screamed. Grabbing his wrist Omni pulled back from his father. The sheet that was under Ryan was now turning crimson red as his blood poured onto the floor. The next hour went by. Blood pouring from Ryan's body, Tara pulling needles from his body. His screams filling the room. But every so ofter he would turn and looked at Reagan and give a faint smile to her and Omni. But the last scream came and went as Tara pulled the last of the needles from his stomach. It was longer than the others. This needle was about 10 inches long. Tara dropped the bloody needle on the tray and stood from her knees. She walked over to Ryan and knelt down. She killed him on the head, grabbed the bottle of vodka, to a long swig and walked from the room with it. Everyone got off Ryan and sat down on the flood around him except Ken who walked out following Tara. Once there had been a moments break, Neesa went to work sewing up the wounds. This didn't seem to bother Ryan. He stared at the ceiling.