[center][i][h2][color=0feac3] Among Friends in the Back of a Van [/color][/h2][/i][/center] Serephina wondered why everyone was suddenly correcting her when she didn't know any better. Mr Wall Guy had never said his real name so how was she supposed to know? She decided to follow suit and introduce herself as well. Turning her head just enough to see Regus out of the corner of her eye but not enough to see the naked Ryan, she said [color=0feac3][b] "My name's Serephina by the way. And my cat's name is Odette. In case you're wondering, she goes everywhere with me so if you dont see her at any time, she's either in my backpack or we have a problem." [/b][/color] She looked into her backpack and found Odette not sleeping anymore. She was sitting upright and trying to see over the folds of the backpack but was not tall enough to quite manage that. She let out a squeak of frustration and stood up on her hind legs in a gesture for Serephina to pick her up. Taking her out of the backpack and placing her on the floor of the van, Serephina wondered if she would have to sit with her face pressed against the wall of this van the entire time or if it would be okay for her to turn around eventually. Odette's tail thumped against the floor of the van and made a ringing echo with each time. Stroking Odette's head and closing her eyes, she waited out the ride. She wanted nothing more right now than sleep.