"Sit down. If it is Wargs, we've already given our position away." Theolin commented, removing his sword so he could rest it against his lap. The group sat quietly for a while, no one really spoke whilst the deer was cooked. Being sent out into this pass, to wear these clothes, to live a life of one purpose with no intention or ability to raise a family; the latter of which was against he rules. Being here, was a blessing yet a curse. No child died in the harsh winters, but they were bound to a life of serving and protecting the relm. "Here." Hadvar smiled, handing them each of section of sliced and cooked deer. "It's going to be a cold night." He added, feeling the wind slowly begin to pick up. They all pulled their furs closer around them, nibbling and eating quietly. They had no wine skins or cause for merriment. If Wargs were around, they had plenty of choices not to drink themselves to sleep. Theolin was the first to retire, the second was a man named Jaimes, and soon enough it was just Roran, sitting by the fire, watching the road. They'd shifted to deer onto a pile of crates to keep it off the ground.