[@Ninian] [color=ec008c]"Only certain Ghost Pokemon, if i am remembering correctly. Some choose not to communicate with humans because they'd rather scare them."[/color] She chuckled. [color=ec008c]"Its nice to meet you as well, Pent and your Partner Shinon as well."[/color] And then she stopped, her eyes widening as a strange sensation filled her mind. It was warm and friendly, and seemed to be radiating from Shinon. She'd never communicated with a Lucario before, but it was similar to a psychic type. She'd not been expecting it to reach out to her, as she'd been told Lucario were very selective on who they chose to communicate with. [color=ec008c]"Mega Stones? Well.. that would be interesting.."[/color] She brushed her hand against her mega earring absently. [color=ec008c]"I.. don't really know much about them. I've seen one before.. a Mega Gengar."[/color] she shuddered, thinking of the nightmarish third eye on its face. [color=ec008c]"I.. i'm pretty sure none of my pokemon can Mega Evolve."[/color] Then she stared at Pent. [color=ec008c]"Are you an Archaeologist?"[/color] Spud toddled along after his trainer as she started to roll off after the two other trainers. His face was still set into a smile and he was humming cheerily. And then what sounded like some kind of explosion rattling from the distance. Nana's ears flicked as she narrowed her eyes in that direction. her ears flicked again and she closed her eyes. The air smelled clean and pure.. and she couldn't hear screaming or shouting. Likely it had been just two trainers battling. But still... the noise had made her a bit uneasy. Sirina turned her wheelchair around at the faint crack of something in the distance. She watched as Nana burst out before her, scenting the air and standing alert. [color=ec008c]"What.. what do you suppose that was?"[/color] Sirina asked nervously.