Lucius silently eyes the man who he had previously surmised was an ally of the Ogryn, now just another contestant in the pits, apparently- if he inclines his head just right- fighting against an Orc of some size. Impressive. Maybe he'd head over for a closer view if he felt he was being crowded within the next few minutes. And with the arrival of one Ersus Tulfon, he starts to imagine that that could end up being the case. If his previous assessment of the man was right, he is a follower of Tzeentch through and through, a consideration backed up by his blatantly over-charismatic opening, and so Lucius highly suspects that his real name is something rather far removed from "Ersus". Sanath, by contrast, is more than willing to give his name over to the scholar, and unless [i]he[/i] happens to be an even more masterful manipulator than the scholar he'd only just met, the Astartes finds it highly unlikely that Sanath is anything other than truthful. A mistake around those you don't know in a hellhole such as this, in the Angel's mind. An even greater mistake the more company makes itself known. Over "Tulfon"'s shoulder, Lucius spies the veiled androgyne who had previously approached him with offers of their company, alongside an even more hideous companion than the one he had just executed. Apparently, they made themselves feel better about their appearance by hiding under layers of silk and acquiring minions more gruesome to behold than themselves. Alternatively, happenstance; they had just addressed a very small army of mutated creatures, after all, though perhaps this was even more proof of their hidden foulness. Still, he ponders, it seems likely that followers of Slaanesh tend to be more attractive than most, at least at first... a thought apparently confirmed as new thoughts of fornication enter his mind and are viciously quelled once again. And with that last turn of phrase, he comes up with a false name to call himself by. 'Call me Thorn,' he says, both for the benefit of the two sitting by him, and to be overheard by the two approaching him. 'And as it happens, Ersus, there is a [i]very[/i] good chance that you [i]could[/i] be helpful. Pray tell, Ersus, what skills and assets could you bring to the table if we happened to join forces? You must be [i]very[/i] learned, Ersus, to have become a scholar; what sorts of knowledge might you possess, Ersus? I am simply [i]dying[/i] to know, Ersus.' Whilst on the surface far more amicable than he is used to sounding, the Fallen Angel's voice and speech patterns are quite deliberate statements to the man before him. [i]You are a liar, Ersus, in one way or another,[/i] is the unspoken message, and Lucius has done what he can to make quite sure that "Ersus" receives it. [@Jbcool][@Lord Coake][@The Whacko][@Keepvogel]