[URL=http://s388.photobucket.com/user/Aerandir24/media/6245EDB8-8F43-4F63-AF33-D1B7D7EEBCD1_zpsjchuugv9.jpg.html][IMG]http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo328/Aerandir24/6245EDB8-8F43-4F63-AF33-D1B7D7EEBCD1_zpsjchuugv9.jpg[/IMG][/URL] "Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person." "When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps." "The Basics..." Name: Ruan Ku Wei Primary Element: Earth Nickname: Badger-mole: for obvious reasons growing up he was called this by other children because he is blind and can earth bend. A nickname that changed to Master Badger as he became a Sensei. Little one: because of his frame he was usually called this because most benders in the family were particularly large. When you compare him to his brothers he looks like the odd one out. Age: 21 Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight Occupation: Sensei of Earth bending "The Appearance..." He stands at 5'5 while all his brothers and father stand well over six foot. A trait he inherited from his mother. Light tanned skin, small frame, muscled but not noticeable unless shirt is off. His hair is dark brown and his eyes are milky white due to his blindness. Style: Like the picture, clothes like that are comfortable to him. "Delving A Little Deeper..." Likes: His raccoon squirrel Raka Music Training Listening Water Tea Dislikes: Tomatoes Strengths: Because he was born blind his body developed the ability to see by heightening his sensitivity to feel vibrations. And his hearing is uncanny, able to hear things that normally can't be heard by anyone. Weaknesses: Because of his life he has grown overly independent, to the point he doesn't like help from others and gets angry when people try. Being called helpless or told he can't do something infuriates him. He continually tries to work on over coming this but it has proven to be a hard thing to over come. Personality: Ruan is a quiet man who listens more than speaks. When he does speak he speaks volumes in few words. He has a sense of wisdom beyond his years, due to his training and overcoming his blindness. What he lacks in muscle he makes up in intellect, having spent many hours listening to scholars, poets, story tellers. He finds knowledge his comfort, being able to apply it to all cases, which helped him over come his weakness in seeing and make it a strength. He likes to be alone usually but it doesn't make him a hermit. He likes to strengthen his mind and his body constantly to become more one with himself and to be more independent. "Delving Even More Deeper..." History: Ruan was born blind. A sad day for Wei family due to blind people really did not have a life. But very soon they came to realize he wasn't helpless. They began to notice he would look in the direction they would walk. As if he was watching them but obviously he couldn't see when they tried to give him something. The elders of the village told the family he was blessed by the badger mole to see through the vibrations of the world. And he will have an talent for earth bending. As soon as he was old enough he began his training under private study. Since he would learn how to earth bend slightly different from the norm, and was way ahead of his learning curve. But his studies didn't end there, he studied other styles of bending hoping to adapt it to earth to become more knowledgeable in his art. He soon became a master of earth bending taking on the name of Master Badger from his students which he began to teach around the age of 18. Teaching people his own age even. Other: Raka, the Raccoon-Squirrel on his shoulder, is his friend and helper even though he can get around by himself very well. Raka helps when ever he can by retrieving things. Or providing company, think of him as a seeing eye dog....but raccoon squirrel Oh and curry is my favorite food