[b]Name:[/b] Alanis Cosette [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Origin:[/b] Tours, France [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://p.gr-assets.com/540x540/fit/hostedimages/1379784159/454202.jpg[/img] [b]Gift/Power:[/b] Alanis has the talent to control Metallic objects around her. If there is none readily available to her, she can create it herself.. More often than not, she does her best to keep enough metal with her so she is able to avoid the energy cost that is required to make something out of nothing. As she favors bladed weapons, she often creates variations of knives and swords in lue of anything as complicated as a firearm. [b]History:[/b] Coming from the city of Tours, Alanis believed herself to be the sole heir of an aristocratic family that could stretch their lineage back to the French Revolution. Her father is very high in the social ladder of France and even has some political pull in the current government while her mother took to raising the young girl. Her mother was a very soft-spoken but spirited woman who raised her with a kind heart and a strong sense of common morality. Around the age of 15, she and her family moved to London due to her father's job, keeping her within the city for the next 6 years... or longer now it seemed. On the afternoon of her awakening, she did not feel anything out of the normal, minus the sudden realization that she was now able to play around with metal in a way that did not require any of the necessary tools. While sitting at her table for Lunch, she took to messing around with the fork she was holding, bending it into the shape of a cat roughtly twice the size of a monopoly piece. Almost minutes after she completed the action, she heard a series of crashes, what sounded like a roar with some screams thrown in and what sounded like a running animal. Standing up, she peered out her window only to see an overturned car and what looked like shredded cloth on the road, causing her to furrow her brow in clear confusion before she allowed her curtains to fall closed. Wondering what had happened, she stepped outside to look along the street, barely catching what looked like a large canine rounding the corner at the end of the road. Frowning, she recalled something the government had said during their installation, she began to wonder if the oddity of her changing the spoon had anything to do with the quarantine they had instilled on the city. A quarantine that had been instilled with little to no explaination, something that suddenly made more sense now that she had just messed up one of her forks and seen a large canine run down the road. Wanting to see her parents, she decided to pack a few articles of clothing and an emergency kit for the trip she would have to take the following day. [b]Personality:[/b] Alanis is often a soft spoken girl and very shy. When alone, she tends to stay away from dark areas and other people, but if someone tries to approach her, she usually turns and runs. When it comes to her friends, she speaks often and tries her best to help them, as she is also a very caring person and hates to see people suffer unnecessarily. Even if she does not know the person, more often than not she will run to someone's aid if she sees them getting hurt and when she is mad, you better watch out, it's not pretty for the person or the surrounding buildings.