[@banana] Marie turned to look at Tlrevan with a smirk on her face. "I have no need of you anymore. Do what you want." Marie said as a she started to float up into the air then off towards the tear in the sky. "Have fun with this new world of yours! I appreciate the help you gave on the wrath." Marie said waving before flying off into the tear in the sky. As she did so the tear seemed to close untill it was a small cut in the sky barely visible. It was still there but nothing else happened. Marie was back in her home dimension. [@ace of flames01] Cia was watching all that was happening and soon enough she was in earth realm herself. She had changed since the last time people had seen her. She was now wearing armor and she was on the hunt for those who had harmed her. She wouldn't give up until she found Rhona and killed her herself. This was a war that would include everyone, sooner or later the gods would have to pick sides. "RHONA! GET OUT HERE!" Cia screamed to the skies. She doubted that she would get any response but she had to let out that stress sooner or later. Cia hadn't noticed though that one of the anglic had gone rouge recently. It was like any other Anglic except this one seemed to have the face of Cia when it took of it's mask. [@slendy] Cythlla had spent her days working with the inklings to make them more prepared for war. She was also watching her new egg from time to time. It had been shaking lately and was close to hatching. Cythlla did not see the child as a pawn, but rather as a knight. Something that would protect her in times of need, and a powerful soldier when the time came.