[b][center]Takeyoshi Sakujima- 痛ー![/center][/b] To say that Takeyoshi expected something to go wrong would be an understatement; to say that he expected to get hit, though, was an entirely different story. The young tengu had been knocked to the ground, feeling as if he had just been slammed into by a car or something. The pain was... Excruciating, to say the least. He had never had much pain tolerance, but something of this level... Was this how it felt to get hit by a pro pitcher's baseball or something? It was probably worse, all things considered. As the moment of pain dissipated, Takeyoshi attempted to bring himself back to his feet. Miyu decided to help, thankfully enough; it was probably an accident, all things considered, but... "Yeah, I... I'm fine. Just hurts. Taking that hit outta my candy debt to you, alright?" he half-heartedly joked, trying to alleviate the girl's worries as he wobbled back to his feet. "So... That didn't work. Let's not try that again and just... Stick to walking for now, all right?" Taking a deep breath in an attempt to ignore the residual throbbing, Takeyoshi looked at the three doors again. There had to be something... "Hm. You know what? Let's try the sad corridor. Might as well, since neutral face got us to an identical room... Right?" Without waiting for a response, Takeyoshi began to walk through, waiting for Miyu to follow suit.