Meesei remained silent to allow the Dunmer, Fendros, to deal with his grief. She had never personally experienced what Fendros was dealing with, but it made sense to her why he would be less than ecstatic about his gift. Lorag seemed too distracted with his own thoughts to care about Fendros' breakdown. The others were similarly silent until Fendros spoke up again. Janius answered with his name, then Lorag decided to chime in himself. "Name's Lorag." The Orc said as he glanced over to the small Breton girl. "You can call her Runt. Don't worry, she's a good sport about it. The Imperial here already gave you his name, and you can call the Khajiit here catdog..." Ahnasha hissed sharply. "He can call me Ahnasha, thank you." "Catdog." Lorag added quickly. Meesei shook her head slightly, then returned his attention to Fendros. "My name is Meesei, I am the Alpha of this pack."