[@Ninian] [@Light Lord] [center][h1][color=ec008c]Sirina[/color][/h1][/center] The explosion had roused Tamaki from his nap. He sleepily opened his eyes, glancing at the other pokemon and yawning. Spud smirked as the Ampharos turned red, a dopey laugh echoing from his chest. [color=0072bc][/color] [color=ec008c]"Its a pleasure to meet you all."[/color] Sirina smiled at the two of them, before turning her head slightly so they could get a look at the tiny keystone set in her cartilage. [color=ec008c]"I have a keystone as well.. just no Megastone."[/color] she explained. [color=ec008c]"When it was given to me, my parents told me i would understand how to use it when it was time. Really not sure what they met about that."[/color] She chuckled. [color=ec008c]"I guess they wanted me to figure that out myself."[/color] Nana smiled at the Ampharos' cheerful statement, amusement passing behind her eyes. She'd seen mega evolution before.. some more drastic than others. And Shock seemed to be really excited about it. Ah.. to be that young and careless again. She chuckled fondly as she turned her attention back to Sirina. [color=ec008c]"Oh. Me? I'm going to challenge the gym leader circuit for a shot at the Pokemon League."[/color] She chuckled. [color=ec008c]"I don't actually want to be the champion or anything.. i just need to get in the tournament to prove to the Viore officials i can handle pokemon so i can open up my own daycare."[/color] Sirina watched as Pent's Lucario sprinted off. [color=ec008c]"Uhm.. Where is Shinon going?"[/color] She asked, having overheard him saying something about finding someone. And then she recoiled slightly as he sent out the Froslass in a stream of light. She felt chills running up her spine, sending goosebumps down her arms as the creature cooled the air off around it. Blinking slowly, Sirina wheeled herself slightly closer to get a better look. [color=ec008c]"Is.. that a Froslass?"[/color] she asked, her eyes lighting up with excitement. [color=ec008c]"There was a Froslass who lived near my village, I used to sneak out and leave her little gifts of Aspear berries. Never could get close enough to get a better look though, she always just up and vanished on me."[/color] Nana surveyed the new pokemon cooly, before delivering a huff. Froslass was easily taken care of with a simple burst of fire. There was no threat here. Spud toddled over to the newcomer, gazing at the Frosslass with a smile. [color=0072bc][/color] He greeted her cheerily. [color=0072bc][/color] he gestured to each of them in kind. Fully awake now, Tamaki slithered off of Sirina's lap, sliding across the ground gently over to where the other pokemon were located. He moved his body upwards slowly to get a better look at the pokemon around them. First.. the rather impressive Ampharos, towering over him like some kind of god. Honestly.. rather intimidating to the little dragon type. Then the Monferno.. still intimidating and tall... he came to a stop next to Cyan, the Marill. She was not nearly as big as the others.. and she was blue! [color=00aeef][/color] he breathed, making the assumption that the Marill might be a similar type because they were a similar color.