[center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel-microheroes/images/a/a4/Northstar_logo.png/revision/latest?cb=20130116041251[/img][/center] [u][b]Brooklyn, NY, 12:07 pm...[/b][/u] Northstar was out for some air, as the mountain air back home left something to be desired when surrounded by the ocean. He had just passed the Ferris wheel at Coney Island when Piledriver came down out of nowhere. Louis didn't think about flying lower making him more vulnerable. The heavy handed villain went through a couple of food stands as the mutant hero skipped on the ground after making impact. Northstar landed in the sand on the beach just a few feet from the now busted up boardwalk. There was that ocean water again. There wasn't nearly as many people out now as there were in the beginning of the summer, but there were still dozens around trying to avoid danger while others tried getting pics or video on their smart phones. "Get your game face on..." he thought picking himself up, vibrating the molecules on the outside of his face to hide his identity. The speed didn't matter right now. The light emitting from his eyes when he stood to his feet and then floated above the sand was blinding enough. Even the whiter parts of his costume had more of a brightness to them. Piledriver came crashing through along with Bulldozer while Wrecker went for more of a grand final entrance with a slower pace. Gripping his crowbar he started to give the order, but Bulldozer had more of a personal ax to grind after Northstar took him down several weeks earlier and charged ahead. "Damnit Dozer!" Wrecker screamed but already knew what was coming, "COVER YOUR EY-- AAAAAAARGH!!" Louis put his right had forward and used a blinding flash to do just that. The thuggish villains wouldn't regain their sight for at least an hour or two even powered by an enchanted crowbar. The proper authorities showed sometime after and Northstar helped restrain the bulky criminals. This light power definitely had it's advantages. [u][b]12:36 pm...[/b][/u] Northstar flew back home in another flash of light and changed clothes and walked down at a normal speed to the lobby to check his mail. key in hand he approached the boxes and Tabitha could see him from outside by the pool. She ran in with her flipflops on and a towel around her waist. "Really... I've heard of lame villains ACTUALLY existing in the real world, but a group of guys powered by an enchanted crowbar is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. At least Bulldozer has that kinda Juggernaut look going for him. After I take this mail back upstairs I'm gonna go grab a bagel and..." Louis thought while unlocking his mailbox to find a check he'd been waiting for, "Helloooo gorgeous.." he said grinning to the check and turning around to find Tabitha with her towel and bikini. "Oh.. hey!" Louis said in surprise. "I heard you calling a girl gorgeous, it's okay." she said in her southern accent smiling back as she could tell he was a little embarrassed, "I just got invited to a party down at O'Malley's Pub and they said bring a +1. You doing anything later?" "They probably want the +1 to be another pretty girl." Louis commented stepping out of the mail room. "All the girls I know up here're bitches. Besides'... I haven't seen you drunk yet... pleeeease Louis." she asked batting her eyelashes after taking off her big sunglasses. "I'll go, but just so you don't get thrown out of a bar." Louis said with a sigh walking towards the stairs. "You mean [i]another[/i] bar ha HA!" she laughed walking back to the pool entrance door. __________ [u][b]2:11 pm...[/b][/u] On the armored superhuman criminal transport vehicle the 'Crew were in restrains and all cursing at the floor. Bulldozer looked up, his helmet had been removed. It along with the enchanted crowbar were in another vehicle altogether. "Dirk... what do you suppose happened to Thunderball?" he asked. "Last I heard somebody said he got pinched by this 3D Man running around looking like something out of a 70's flick. You remember those glasses, Calusky?" Wrecker asked. "Yeah, I would've liked to hung around Brooklyn a bit longer. Now it's back to Rikers. Maybe we'll see T-Ball there..." [u][b]Somewhere in space, just outside of the Milky Way Galaxy...[/b][/u] A green hand came from the jaw or Thunderball, who was still in his suit, his weapon of choice in another containment field several feet away. "I believe we have probed your mind of all of your knowledge on gamma bombs. The ball and chain will go into the arsenal." a Skrull scientist proclaimed nodding to a nearby soldier. "Take him back into the cage with the others. It's about time to give them their weekly protein. Have any of them died or killed one another yet?" the scientist asked. "None that I know of, sir." the soldier answered restraining the beaten and bloodied Thunderball. "@$#*(& I lost fifty units to the ship captain." ~KL~