Velvet lay for several minutes in the hibernation pod after the ship came to a stop clearly on a planetary surface. She could have rushed out of her coffin like cell as the door opened but she thought it better to study her current situation before rushing headlong into unknown danger. She felt no fear nor even excitement; only curiosity as she stepped out of her pod. Then the scruffy freckle faced brunette then began to softly sing to herself as took inventory of her surroundings " Tu m'as promis et je t'ai cru Tu m'as promis le soleil en hiver et un arc en ciel Tu m'as promis le sable doré, j'ai recu une carte postale Tu m'as promis le ciel et la terre et une vie d'amour" She didn't walk as I'd she were in a rush or dawdle as she watched for any opportunity to gain a weapon or tool. Then twenty feet from the door she spotted a section or two centimeter conduit almost a meter long that had broken away in the crash. It wasn't a perfect weapon but it would have to do She didn't trust any of those who. were escaping with her considering them all as criminals who'd committed crimes for gain or because of mental deformity and because of it lacking her respect Velvet broke out into the light and her nostrils were assaulted by smells which she had never known but she didn't let that slow her down as she sought the northern direction from her present location.