[h2]Cian Kuze[/h2] [color=7ea7d8]"So it would seem let us head out than."[/color] Cian said in agreement as she carefully followed behind Luke things was hopefully wrapping up at the rate this has been going a clear end or goal would be welcome. Though going by the screams it was practically granted that it was of the gentler sex meaning they were female, girls, ladies she could go on but at the moment she won't. This only helped but hasten her step she would not allow herself to just go at her normal slow pace when there was a chance people were in danger. [color=7ea7d8]"It also seems that they may be in danger so it might be best to hasten our step even if only somewhat. Though I may just be talking to a wall I do think hurrying our step would be beneficial not just for others but us as well the longer we stay the better chance for something to jump us in that given area."[/color] Cian stated somewhat quietly at the last part it was finally getting to her the atmosphere and the feeling of dread that seems to be settling it self in her bones. It was probably for the best if they hurried.