"The new guy who looks like a younger Superman knows Starfire?" Superbeast thought, "Universe seems smaller every day..." Gar began to speak of his relationship with Superman and Superboy before Starfire came out of the wounded tent. He watched on at the whole show of being an alien gentleman and whatnot and would make fun of the sight if he didn't know both of them could likely rip him to pieces. "Superman is kinda the reason I have powers. Some aliens in his zoo attacked me and the combination of venoms and anti-venoms resulted in the red fur and shapeshifting abilities. I'm kinda like that Ben Ten Thousand on tv, but I only turn into like a dozen aliens or so..." Superbeast began explaining but wasn't sure if had Maxus' attention or not, "And Superboy, he's a clone of Superman who's also half human. All his powers are telekinetic in nature but he recently began absorbing solar energy and emitting heat vision from his eyes. He was one of the heroes taken down early in the invasion. Nightwing's still with the survivors in a holding cell, Bats said Superboy might be down there too..." Garfield finally just gave up on Maxus. Since he was a little more familiar with Starfire, Superbeast turned into his small humatoad form and leaped onto the shoulder of the Tamaranian. "Is Raven looking any better, Star?" he asked. Back at the League's briefing tent the Flash paced back and forth. He'd be one of the guys responsible for crowd control and keeping the techno zombie drones cleared away to give the civilians safe passage. Batman had tasked him and Marvel with the taking down the nearest drone generator if things got too bad. Batman also mentioned not everyone would make it out alive. Two hundred thousand civilians as well as Nightwing and possibly Superboy. That's why the mission was League only. Batman didn't want the younger heroes seeing a bunch of civilians die in front of them if things went south. The losses were already too great in number. The Flash wrote something on a piece of paper and approached a soldier. "If something happens to me, could you give this to my nephew?" Barry asked the soldier, removing his mask and looking at the man face to face. "I'll take the note, but you're coming back from this, sir. You're the fastest man alive." the soldier commented. "Thank you." Barry said putting his mask back on and darting off. He got to a smaller tent where some of his civilian stuff was located. He looked at a picture of his wife, Iris, and tucked it in his boot. The red clad hero popped his neck and stretched out. He ate several protein bars and drank three bottles of water in no time. It was almost go-time as far as the search and rescue mission went. Flash met with Batman at the entrance into the city along with Wonder Woman awaiting the others. On the far side of camp Static was walking alone, cursing that the Young Justice group couldn't volunteer for the mission. He, Marvel, and Superbeast took down a drone generator in no time earlier. He also seemed quite upset that he couldn't contact his family back in Dakota due to the tech interference around the city. ~KL~