Muyo woke to the pleasant sound of a bird calling from just outside his window. He lay there for a few minutes, until the bird decided to move somewhere else and flew off. It wasn't everyday that one was allowed to wake to such agreeable conditions. Eventually, and with much delay, Muyo opened his eyes. He saw nothing at first, the thick strip of black cloth that covered his eyes assured that, but then his eyes began to adjust and see the tiny holes of light through the cloth. Excited, yet also scared, for what this day may bring, Muyo couldn't stop from feeling more than a little overwhelmed. The boy held up a hand and inspected it through his blindfold. He'd just woken, but his hand wasn't stiff. His nerves threatened to overwhelm him, but his hand remained perfectly still. All was as it should be. The dark-haired Uzumaki walked downstairs, and he was met by a far-too-awake redheaded woman holding a plate of food. Ikari Uzumaki was her name. She was currently allowing Muyo to stay with her, renting a room of her house to live in. Her own two children would still be asleep at this hour. Or at least, that's what Muyo assumed. Taking the plate with one hand, looking slightly confused because Ikari never cooked for him, Muyo asked, "What's this?" "Breakfast. What else would food on a plate before noon be?" It was really too early to have to take her sarcasm. Muyo wasn't sure where she appeared the apple from, but next thing he knew it was flying towards his head. His hands already occupied with holding his breakfast, and Ikari would seriously kill him if he even considered letting go of one of her plates, Muyo did just that, catching the apple with both hands. Well the look on her face was priceless. He couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. "You little brat! If you'd dropped that, I would have beat you silly!" Cutting of his laugh, Muyo reached down and picked his plate off from his foot. Hm, the eggs looked good. He stuffed most of the plate into his mouth and walked the rest of the way into the kitchen on the first floor. "Yan burt I dudnt sho itsh okay." Ikari leveled a deadly knife at Muyo's head. "Swallow." Filling a jug of water to bring back up to his room, he obeyed and repeated," Yeah, but I didn't, so it's okay." The knife was left quivering in the wall, killing the boy's shadow as he darted back up the stairs. Huh, she was in an unusually good mood today. Usually she hit a good three inches closer. Or maybe she was just getting old and her aim was going. A cold chill ran down Muyo's spine. How did she know!? Muyo secured the door to his room before pouring the water into a basin and removing his blindfold. He kept his eyes closed as he washed his face, but eventually he had to look at himself. Thin, pale, dark. He didn't like those qualities. He liked his hair though, black with natural streaks of violet. He'd always thought it was a beautiful combination, wasted on him, but beautiful in its own right. Even when he took the cloth off, his hair still fell down to cover his eyes, as if trying to hide them. Muyo pushed them away, and stared into his curse. Two white orbs, colored only by a center of red, stared back at him. "Are you ready for this? No, but I'm doing at anyway." Muyo slipped into his usual black attire, giving a cursory check around his room to make sure he hadn't forgotten anything he really needed. He hadn't. Then he tied lengths of black cloth, the same that made up his blindfold, around his wrists and ankles, and around his neck as well, before finally placing a new blindfold over his eyes. "And the world fades to black again, and again and a-gain," he sung softly to himself. His solo was interrupted by the sound of a small body slamming into the door to his room. "Dammit hellspawn, I didn't summon you!" Muyo ripped the door open suddenly and grabbed the intruder. A small boy of just four, his red hair perfectly matching him to his mother, was tossed into the air only be caught again a second later and deposited back on the floor. Muyo bent down and smiled at the little boy. "Hey-ya Chirp, how's it hanging?" The black haired boy held out a fist, gently pushing the child off his feet. The kid was back on his feet before Muyo had the chance to open up a new door to hell to throw him back into. He huffed, "It's Chiro! Chi-ro! C-H-I-R-O!" Muyo, looking for any and all excuse to ignore the boy, eyed another interloper standing in his doorway. "Oh come, now, I thought you got over this last week. Stop standing in the shadows and come over here princess!" The small bundle of shadow jumped at being called out. Chiro's older sister, though only by a year, sneaked her way into the room like a scared cat, ready to bolt at the slightest provocation. "Oh, um, okay. Uh, Muyo, I, eh, I kind of made you... a present. It's for, um, you being a ninja now and um, good luck, uh, yeah." She was gone before she was even finished talking, leaving a scroll where she had been standing. Muyo detached a child-sized parasite from his leg and picked up the scroll. It was a crude drawing of a... person? A person... doing something? Maybe? Okay, he had no clue what it was supposed to be. He continued unrolling the scroll past the drawings and came to a large assortment of Uzumaki Seals. Each seal was labeled as to what it contained, written in the nearly-illegible hand of a child just learning, and the bottom was signed 'Hime Uzumaki'. Oh, so that was what she had been busy with, gathering supplies she thought he would need and putting them into the same scroll for him. Muyo had already done that many times over, but it was the thought that counted. Plus, having a scroll filled with extra stuff would always come in handy. He really needed to get Ikari to teach him how to make an Uzumaki Seal. "Hey Chirp, don't you have somewhere you need to be?" The boy now stuck on his arm upside-down answered with a simple, "Nope." "Well I do, so get off," Muyo shot back. Muyo walked back downstairs, pest still firmly glued to his arm and showing no sign of moving anytime soon. "Hey Ikari, Chiro snuck into my place again!" And just like that, the pest vanished. Muyo made sure to be out the door and gone before the demon's mother showed up. A cold chill ran down Muyo's spine. How did she know!? ... The kids' surprise visit had made him stay longer than he had planned, meaning he was going to be late. Oh well, it couldn't be helped. Fishing a small scrap of paper from inside the cloth around his left wrist, Muyo pressed the scrap against his arm and bit his finger to draw a drop of blood, drawing out the small amount of physical speed he had stored in that seal. He still managed to be a late. "Aye, aye, I'm here," Muyo called, walking towards the group following Mayu's trail of dust. Way too much pep. His speed was worn out, and the scrap of paper fell from his arm before he reached his group, the seal faded away. No big deal, that had only been a day's worth of speed. Better that he'd used it all instead of walking around with excess. Upon reaching the others, Muyo nodded to Jin. He was still coming to terms with having an Uchiha as a teammate. He just had to keep focused on the teammate aspect. The black-haired genin yawned and stretched, the bones in his back cracking as he did so. Another day, another attempt not to appear totally useless in front of his teammates.