[h2]Luke Schwarz[/h2] [b]"I agree,"[/b] Luke stated as he worked. [b]"We've been going about it too slowly. Every time we've tried to hash things out all the way..."[/b] He swallowed, as if he could still feel the imprints of the Grimm's fingers upon his throat. It'd snuck up on him before Cian got her barrier up... and really scared him for a moment there. He'd been so distracted with dictating the plan that he hadn't gotten them all back in time, and probably very nearly paid the price for it. [color=8882be][i]It's a sobering thought. Granted, my healing gives me leeway, but that still would have taken time— To say nothing of Aura.[/i][/color] He was pretty sure a crushed larynx didn't suit him! [b]"...well, simply put, we've gotten jumped for it. And I'm not gonna hold any delusions about it— that's on me. I'm the one always calling for a time out."[/b] he admitted, a little ashamed. [b]"I'll quit holding us back. Faster we move, more help we can do, right?"[/b]