[center][img]http://45.media.tumblr.com/a507e76c95a7aae4a9eb1b440d1f327c/tumblr_o0m7n64n0S1uxo4f9o2_500.gif[/img][/center] [center][h3]Kohl & Levy[/h3][/center] [i]'Did you hear that Lev?'[/i] [color=lightgreen][i]'Yeah. Yeah, I did.. but Kohl, we are two very small beings for our kind. We need to stay near the den.'[/i][/color] [i]'Well, you can stay here. I'm going to investigate.'[/i] Levy sat back looking at Kohl as his little future rider walked off down the tunnel hallway and towards the mouth of the cave with bow and quiver draped over his shoulder and a small, child-sized axe in his hand. Kohl ventured off down the small trail, only big enough to barely fit a single full-grown man on, along the side of the mountain till he reached the bottom and came to a slow stop. Levy followed closely behind, making sure he stayed close to Kohl. [color=lightgreen][i]'There's something going on beneath our feet. Maybe it's just earth tremors, Kohl. We need to get back. If Freya finds us down here, she'll be really mad at not just you, but-'[/i][/color] Kohl held up his hand and craned his neck out slightly, listening carefully to anything his ears could pick up while his eyes simultaneously scanned the forest for any sudden movements. Levy, knowing all too well he was an easy target with his white hide, climbed into a fairly large bush and hunkered down just to be sure if there [b]was[/b] anything out here, he wouldnt draw attention but would be able to easily jump out to help Kohl if trouble arose. Kohl inhales deeply and calls out, [b]"If you're out there, show yourself!!"[/b] [color=lightgreen][i]'SHHHHH!!! Don't draw attention, Kohl! All I've got are teeth and claws, and as far as sizes of dragons go, I'm a snack! Please, let's just go back!'[/i][/color] [i]'No, Levy. I'm the rider, and I say we stay.'[/i] [color=lightgreen][i]'We can't even ride, yet. Neither of us are ready..'[/i][/color] [i]'Shut it.'[/i] Levy glared at the back of Kohl's head for a second before continuing to look towards the treeline about 100yds away. [center][img]http://i768.photobucket.com/albums/xx323/skatergurl95/levy%202_zps89rvs4xp.gif[/img][/center] [hider=This is what Levy really will look like, but he was based off of Haku (from Spirited Away)'s looks, and that ^ was the only GIF I could find] Levy should be approx. 5'4".. not too much bigger/taller than Kohl [img]http://i768.photobucket.com/albums/xx323/skatergurl95/Kohls%20Haku2_zpsl9fyk11i.png[/img] [/hider]