[color=7bcdc8][h1]Kara Banks / Wraith [/h1][/color] Kara knew she was late. Midnight, that's what the message had said, and she'd kick herself if she missed an opportunity to deal out sweet, sweet justice to some evildoers. She just couldn't forgive herself if she let someone evil like that go, some kind of murderer or thug, or other pathetic criminal. No way was she letting that happen. To be honest, that was why she was late in the first place. She sighed, looking at the body on the ground in front of her. She'd had it all planned out, you know. She'd tracked him down after seeing him grab hold of someone's purse on the street, but his location was supposed to be on the way to Racket Avenue anyway. How was she supposed to know he'd run away so quickly? And after he'd done that, well, she had to take her time. [color=7bcdc8]Can't have people trying to escape justice and getting away with it.[/color] She sighed in frustration. Still, that type of thing made an awful mess, but she didn't have time to clean her gloves properly, only whatever she could wipe off on the wall. It wouldn't matter, probably. This 'Ditch' character already knew who she was, so it wasn't a stretch to think she'd know how she operated. No-one with any kind of dedication to justice would squeal at the sight of a little blood. If anything, Kara, or Wraith as she was known, felt she should get a pat on the back. She headed out of the alley, and walked the few blocks remaining to Racket Avenue. She checked the time. 12:08. Just enough that she couldn't pretend to be late deliberately. She'd get away with it with her friends, but she doubted this was the same kind of thing. If it was, then she'd walk straight back out again. Not that she'd mind a decent conversation with Ditch. Which would probably consist of 'who are you' and 'did you have to send me the message in the middle of class?'. Very nearly got the message seen, and she'd spent far too long building relationships to let the people there find out she was a super. Anyway, she turned to look at the door. It was open, which made her slightly suspicious, but she didn't have time to examine the area properly. [color=7bcdc8]I'll just have to hope it's not a trap. Here we go![/color] Fixing her face with an open, friendly smile, she walked through the door and into the room. [color=7bcdc8]Looks like I'm not the only one Ditch tracked down.[/color] She also didn't seem to be the only late one, so she strolled in with her head held high and a winning smile, trying to ignore the guy with his face halfway through the stage in hopes of making a half-decent entrance. She felt a little bit shown up, although she'd probably done better at the basic skill of being able to enter the building. She grinned and walked to the middle of the room, where a few people and one creature.. thing were gathered around some strange girl, who looked like the only one sure of what was happening. Was that Ditch? Best to ask and make sure. [color=7bcdc8]"Sorry I'm late, Ditch - whichever one you are. Justice sleeps for no man, and while I'm no man, it's certainly not gonna rest on my watch."[/color] She wasn't the only one wondering who to talk to, it seemed, though she recognized a few of the faces present. Good. She didn't want to work with amateurs that might hinder her pursuit of justice.