Lissandra looked up from her marble solar system as the door opened. A boy walked in with a swagger that only a member of his sex could have. So they put boys and girls together in this school? Getting dressed with this guy around was going to be irritating. Just from when he walked in and announced himself Lissandra could already tell that he was the kinda guy who thought he was a ladies man. Well he would find no easy prey with her, though she would admit he was kind of cute. Shaking the thought out of her head she replied to his statement dryly. "My name Is Lissandra Everdale. From this piece of paper that means you must be Lukas and as for sharing a bed with me." Lissandra stood up and approached Lukas until they were face to face. "If you value your current well being, you will stay in your own bed and out of mine. Though you never know. Maybe as we all live together something might happen?" Lissandra smiled slyly at the end of her speech returning to her bed and gathering her marbles replacing them in their pouch. "And here's another one. Another girl good. I was starting to worry that it was just me and Casanova here alone in this room together." While it was true that Lissandra preferred to be alone with a quiet book, she needed to at least be on the same page with the people she would be living with. "Well my name is Lissandra Everdale. And yours is?" Lissandra had her hand outstretched for the new comer. [@sakurasan][@Savo]