I'm sorry for the delay on my end. @Howler- Ya know you can have 2 C-ranked Attributes? Going to say you need genjutsu to have Mist Servants. Hiding in Mist tech is a B-ranked tech, a little too high (also without sensing, hurts you as much as your opponent). Fix those and I accept it. @Neyu/Onewayout- Haha, I love that summary. She needs high chakra control to have Chakra Enhanced Strength. I'd like to know her mastery of it too. Probably going to need to sacrifice some power somewhere, as right now she can destroy someone with enhanced strength, trap them in powerful immobilizing genjutsus, poison them, and heal comrades, all on one little genin. Pick one category to cut down in. Blood Rose I'd prefer it if Honoka had to remain stationary to continue the jutsu, as it is strong, and she is a genin. Constricting Petal Hellstorm is a bit strong too. The fact it binds an enemy, and can quickly dispatch them at the same time makes it troubling. The '100 bomb' on it, what is that exactly? I'm probably going to say no to that, use a normal explosive tag. Kiss of the rose is definitely not an E-ranked technique, can't see everyone being able to knock people out with a genjutsu kiss from the academy. If it made them sleepy, and took a minute or two, I'd consider it D-ranked.