Name: Smith Gender: Male Age: 36 Species(if not human, keep it minimal please): Human Appearance: [hider=Basic smith] [img=] Only addition I have to make to this is his hammer [img][/img][/hider] Personality & Bio: Drunkard and loud would be the best way to characterize this mountain of a man. Well known within his village he may have crafted every single harpoon used in the tiny harbor. He has one of the strongest voices on the Village Council, and when the idea of asking for support against the Empire he literally jumps to it. (Should you agree he will be the makeshift ambassador of the village). Coarse in language he is found most unpleasant by most ladies even of his small village. Should he have one redeeming characteristic, that would be his perseverance and seriousness when it comes to anything in life. From smithing to drinking. Full of bad habits, but what would you expect from a peasant with no wife and no living relative. His father died some years back, but it was more of a relief than pain, since he was bedridden. No one ever bothered to give him a name, ''You are what you do, and you shan't ever be anything else" his father would say. Skills/Talents: Smithing, mainly tools, but weapons and armor can be forged just as easily. Repairing and Reforging should one need it done. Weapons/Equipment: A warhammer as tall as him...what other weapon would one need... A bag filled with everything needed to sharpen and mend most items. His trusty smithing hammer,is attached to his belt. Mostly used for work, but should the situation require it, it can be flung with great accuracy. Occupation: Village Smith Rank(If in bandit clan, assigned by me): Not yet joined This should be it