Dick put on a serious face, [color=blue]"Let's just say Babs set me straight, and no, not with a slap."[/color] He replied, he then started working on his 'Wingdings'. The Wingdings were modified versions of the batarang, made to look more bird-like than bat-like. He wanted them sharp, but not lethally, enough to make a criminal yelp and fall to the ground. He yawned, and threw the birdarang prototype away. Too sharp. He then pulled his goggles on at the workbench. He sat in the chair, and started going back to work. He drawed a new version of the Wingding, one that wouldn't be too sharp, but also painful. [color=blue]"Aha! What do you know, I am a good creator."[/color] Dick said, grinning widely. He held the paper up and showed it to Tim. [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/arkhamcity/images/6/6f/66WingDingModel.png/revision/latest?cb=20130410220203[/img] He laid the paper back on the workbench, and started working on metal. Nightwing was going to need an arsenal of weapons, and it may Dick some time to make them all. Dick had a lot of gadgets he was working on. There were wrist darts on the table filled with sleeping agents, basically tranquilizers except they had enough in them to put down a grizzly bear, so the thug wouldn't be waking up anytime soon before the cops arrive and arrest them. There were also smoke pellets, shaped like a toy ball that a dog would chew on. Dick grabbed some white eye contact lenses, at least that's what they looked like. They were made to hide Dick's eye color to hide more of his identity, just for safety. The contact lenses had a second vision that could be turned on just by a tap, [i]Detective Vision[/i]. It was basically a thermal vision mode that could see through walls. It was to help Nightwing see how many enemies were in a room, or for example, help him see a hidden sniper. It was also not just called Detective Vision for nothing, it could help Dick find footprints or find DNA, hell it could even help him out with a murder case. The lenses killed two birds with one stone. [color=blue]"Hey, Tim. Is breakfast ready?"[/color]