[center][h1][color=ed1c24]Kriisa Acillus[/color][/h1][/center] Kriisa watched as some of the people she had contacted began to flock inside the war room. The Imperial soldier behind her had his blade against her and had the audacity to insult her family. Normally, Kriisa would have none of that but he had made a point. Her sudden arrival and proclamation had been a big risk, but it seemed to be paying off so far. Before she even had to lift a finger, she had an Imperial soldier in her makeshift band to hunt down that damned traitor. The first to arrive was a Dunmer woman - Neria, Kriisa recalled. The Dragonborn had spoken of her once or twice when she had travelled with him, and so Kriisa had placed her name in the list of recipients she had given the courier. She knew little of Nsria - who she was and what she could do - but she had been desperate to call up arms. Still, she had come and that was more than enough for Kriisa. The one who had followed Neria in was, to say the least, an expected surprise. Those who dealt with the shadows always knew whenever someone else was lurking behind them. Kriisa had never been able to explain it and simply took it as a manifestation of the Brotherhood's connection to the Void. Nevertheless, this Redguard had been around the Dragonborn's party for a while but had never cause trouble. She knew of his presence but not of his story. Was he telling the truth or was what she was hearing merely lies coating a devious purpose. Then again, she had to remember that beggars had no choice but to accept the alms they were given. He was there, willing to offer his arm, and there was no way in Sithis' name that she would turn him away. [color=ed1c24]"He's mine,"[/color] she assured the guard, giving Dio a nod. "You have two people in your [i]army[/i], assassin," General Tulius commented, a light sneer accenting his words. "You think they can defeat the Dovhahsken when hundreds of my men could not?" Kriisa had to bite back the smirk that spread out on her lips. [color=ed1c24]"Quality over quantity, General."[/color] She eyed the two recruits. They seemed like people who truly understood battle and death, not like some of the soldiers in the Imperial or Stormcloak armies. They could fight, and hopefully well, at that. She eyed the Imperial soldier Tulius had assigned to accompany them and couldn't hold back the smirk anymore. [color=ed1c24]"Besides, you have your lap dog over here to keep an eye on us. Surely you believe in his abilities, no?"[/color] Despite herself, Kriisa heard Starkad reprimanding her in her head. He had always been the rational one, informing her or the Dragonborn whenever the course of action they were taking was foolish. She was once again allowing her emotions to get the better of her, and this would not help at all. [color=ed1c24]"Our numbers may be few now, but the day is still early. I believe more will rally to our cause, and if they don't come, I will still continue my crusade. Killing Starkad is what's important during these times - not race or affiliations."[/color] She eyed the three warriors before returning her gaze to Tulius. [color=ed1c24]"My informants say that there is a group of mages headed towards Dragon Bridge to replenish Starkad's lost forces there during one of your previous seiges there. They have no dragon lording over that area."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"We could take back that land."[/color] Straight to business, as Brynjolf always told her. There was no need to dally. If more arrived, she would simply take a few moment to bring them up to speed, but they could not afford to be idle. Not now.