Nergal noted that the creature was fast for its frame, but that is usually the case with these cursed creatures. He felt for it really, a kindred spirit, as he himself was now one of the cursed creatures of the universes. The bone trap didn't work but it was worth a shot at least and it seemed the creature was avoiding coming at him. It meant it wanted to draw him in closer for an attack so he had to be ready for a retaliation once he engaged. The black helmet hid the smile that came over his face as he ran towards the creature to attack. A blood rune on the sword activated as he slashed in a horizontal arc just a few steps into his attacking run. The slash sent blood flinging off the blade and towards the creature as the blood rune augmented it giving the blood a cutting edge of its own. The blood arc flies toward the creature as Nergal himself follows after it, his sword now on the left side of his body and pooling with blood once again. He himself wanting to get closer to the creature and test its defenses. He speaks no more words to it as they both know the stakes of what is going on here, but if the creature was like the legends say it could feel the dark blood pulsing through him not to mention it being used a weapon towards it. Time had not really passed enough for the runes to recharge anymore save for the fact the one blood rune now is exhausted on his sword. The half charged ones would likely be fully charged soon though.