[@Fubsy] Aw man, you were gonna be our only healer! But that's cool, you gotta prioritize. We have too many combat oriented guys, except for Zephyr who's technically stealth oriented. We won't make it very far on missions if our only skills are punching and hiding. That train mission has a "safe" in it.... [@greywolf375]Strength plus 100 pounds is Telekinesis. Pick a level of strength, add 100 pounds to whatever weight that strength is and you will have that level's Telekinesis. [@Lasrever] Now that I can actually read your story properly, I can make some other small notes on it. The first thing is super small but I noticed that while you changed your name for the actual Name part of the CS he's still "Mars" for everything else. Like I said, small change. The other thing is actually pretty small too! See, since I just corrected the history(look below) you might want to tweek yours a little since The United Intervention Act and the rise of Olympus aren't the exact same thing anymore. [b][u]ALSO!! UPDATE!!![/u][/b] The history has been updated to make sense, the way it was before, you'd think mass amounts of war and pillaging happened in a day. I also added the Relocation act that I mentioned in the beginning. Updated the setting with new rooms (new corridors and added "the bridge") Updated the settings with the planets!