[quote=@Nytem4re] [@Tulpa] Maybe it's because I don't believe those deliberate smear campaigns and see how the media has basically used propaganda and false information to pretend gamergate is a "trolling campaign." I have yet to see ample evidence that the entirety of gamergate is a trollfest. Like any other movement it has it's bad apples, it's just that the media loves to bash on GG so... Yeah. I don't see the point in calling GG a trolling campaign. By that logic, every website/movement is a trolling campaign because there are trolls? I may as well call RPG a trollfest since that insensitive thread was made here. Hey, he was an RPG user right? Must mean RPG are all trolls. [/quote] Here's somethign to bitch about. Topic derailments. Lets move on people, the previous thread got locked for shit like this.