[b]The Exorcist[/b] [@Damiann47][@Leaves][@Eklispe] [hider=My Hider] Ghost seemed surprised by the blind frenzy with which wolf attacked it. The two clashed against each other and turned into a pile of bites, stabs and roars. From time to time a cry of pain resonated through the room- sometimes it was wolf’s but sometimes it was ghost’s- and very quickly a puddle made out of two shades of blood formed beneath the two. One was dark red, like you would expect a living being to have, but the other was incredibly pale, almost appearing pink instead of red. It is to this bundle of chaos that the couch hurled by Rayo came flying. It was hard to say who took the brunt of the hit, the wolf or the ghost, but the painful cry came from both before the room went quiet. The couch was lying over the two so Sonia and Rayo couldn’t tell in what state they were. So, what will the two still standing do now? [b]OOC:[/b] Orion’s status is unknown for this update. Sonia and Rayo can either lift the couch and see what’s happening or just ignore them and bail :D Oh, and Rayo has unlocked achievement: [b]Journeyman of Friendly Fire[/b] [/hider] [b]Qaizan Dungeon[/b] [@PKMNB0Y][@VitaVitaAR] [hider=My Hider] Similarly like before, once you entered the sad-face passage you went through a barren, stone corridor. Again, it didn't take you long before you were at the other end. The only major difference was that this time the stone slab which blocked the way into the next room didn't sink into the ground as you approached. Instead, it forced you to wait for several minutes before it finally began opening the way. The room you stepped into once the stone door were gone was, like the one before, made in rectangular shape, but this time there were only two passages, excluding the one you came in. The one to your left had a sorrowful mask above it while the one to your right had the teleport symbol. The wall across you didn't have a passage while the one through which you just passed had a neutral mask. In the middle of the room were two egg-shaped objects made of stone. After observing the door another detail which made this room different from the one before comes to your attention. The ground, the walls, and even the ceiling were filled with red stains. It didn't really take a genius detective to figure out what it was. Some blood stains looked really old and dry, but there were a few which looked eerily fresh. As if it was spilled less than a minute ago. Once you hear the door behind you close the two egg-shaped objects began to stir, morphing into two vaguely humanoid forms. Gems located at the top of their bodies turned to you like eyes and the couple began a charge which was surprisingly fast despite the apparent clumsiness of their movements. [hider=Golem] [IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/16a7k9v.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] [/hider]