[h3]To the Citrouille Dungeon![/h3] Tori was still skeptical, but she supposed Velte was right. Tori unsheathed her knife, keeping her eyes trained on the cave. If any monsters would attack them, it would be from the cave. As she stared into the cave, however, she was caught off guard by the one calling out from the sky. Surprised, Tori turned around a bit too quickly, one foot getting caught by the other, causing her to fall onto her back. As Tori began to recover from the shock, she spotted the winged person who had now landed on the ground and introduced herself as Gabriella Hawkwing. Getting up from the ground and dusting off her back, Tori returned the handshake and gave her a greeting of her own, "My name's Tori Amos." Gabriella seemed nice enough, and that was good enough for Tori to trust her. "To the dungeon," Tori said happily, and was about to head in when she heard a squeak. Stopping, she looked for the source of the sound and spotted a little furry creature going over to them. At first, Tori stepped back and held her knife at the ready in case it was a monster, but once Tori got a better look at it, she saw that it was some sort of hamster. Cautiously stepping over to it and kneeling down, Tori extended a hand to it to pet it, speaking in a calm tone, "[color=a2d39c]Hi there, little one, where'd you come from?[/color]". When she was able to pet it, Tori smiled and gently picked up the hamster. "[color=a2d39c]Aww, you're such a cutie patootie,[/color]" Tori said to the hamster as she gently stroked it with a finger. Tori then looked at the cave entrance, remembering why they were here, and decided to put the hamster back down. "[color=a2d39c]You shouldn't be here, go on,[/color]" Tori said, giving it a gentle push to get it going. With that done, Tori looked back at Velte and Gabriella. "Sorry about that, let's go," Tori said, then she walked into the cave entrance. The path was quite narrow, but it more than enough for at least one person to walk through. Still, though, Tori was unimpressed. It still seemed like an ordinary cave to her. Nevertheless, Tori kept her guard up and her knife ready, in case something unexpected would come along. Sure enough, as they kept walking, the path reached some sort of room with a blue glowing orb, as well as three wolves with flames that glowed the same color as the orb. Tori was frozen, not wanting to aggravate the wolves into attacking.