[h2]Magic versus Golems. Who are... Also magic presumably but still[/h2] Miyu sighed and followed Takeyoshi through. Stupid dungeon walls being all dumb and not exploding... and no-one told her that it would be reflective! The tiny mage was in quite a huff as she followed her tengu companion. She was glad he was okay, at least. If it had been a direct hit, he probably would have exploded... and then where would she get her candy?! For that matter, was he serious about taking off some of the candy she was owed? ... Maybe she shouldn't feel so bad... Miyu couldn't help but feel a bit guilty about it, however. She was about to bring up the candy again when she noticed it was very obvious that there was blood spattered on the walls and floor. "... Well, it's a dungeon after all," she reminded herself. Not to say it wasn't disconcerting, but... things did die in here. Some of it was worringly fresh, though... nevermind! Whatever caused it, she'd blow it up, no question! ... Which was about when the golems unraveled into their full forms. Miyu hopped back, but it only took a moment for her to recover from their surprising charge and grin. "Heh, there's no way [i]you're[/i] reflective!" she declared, raising one hand and tracing one finger through the air. Four crimson orbs of magic formed in a vague cube following the motions of her finger, each coming into being with a rising hum. "Spark Rise Red!" Miyu cried. In response to her voice, two of the orbs shot towards one golem, and two towards the other, set to explode on impact.