[color=ed1c24][h1]Rowan D. Valinn[/h1][/color] [hr] Rowan stood in the center of a decent sized crowd. His juggling performance had piqued the interest of several spectators, who now looked on in amazement as he transitioned flawlessly from trick to trick. Spending his entire life alone led to some unique hobbies. Fortunately for him, not all of them were entirely useless. At this point, Rowan was already juggling five balls, with two resting on the tops of his shoes. He kicked one up, adding another level of difficulty to the juggling. The colorful balls flowed seamlessly from one hand to the other, producing quite a few noises of excitement from the crowd. The grass in front of Rowan was disturbed by the landing of a coin. “That wasn’t my intention here, folks. I simply wanted to entertain today,” he said through a smile, while still maintaining his throws. Rowan gave the last ball a slight kick, sending it directly into Rowan’s hand. This was his first time attempting a seven-ball cascade (The standard, basic pattern.), which he completely expected to fail. Luckily, his performance was interrupted by a buzzing in his front pocket. Instead of catching the balls still in mid-air, he simply let them fall as he pulled out his cellphone. “I’m sorry, everyone. This should only take a moment,” he said. It was a message from his new professor, Glynda Goodwitch. The professor’s message instructed him to urgently meet at the edge of the Emerald Forest, at Beacon Cliffs. Begrudgingly, Rowan packed away his juggling equipment. He never even got to juggle the daggers he had prepared, which disappointed him. They were always a crowd favorite. He sputtered out an apology to the crowd, most of which had already dispersed after he failed his cascade. Rowan was set up right in the heart of the Vytal Festival grounds. Instead of immediately heading for his destination, he took what a more scenic route. He stopped by a particularly small food stand, and ordered their special. He had never been here before, but it appeared to be the home of a myriad of fried foods. His food arrived in a timely manner, the chef only taking a few minutes to present him with his fried kebab. It was the perfect meal for the walk to Beacon Cliffs. After biting into the first item, Rowan quickly realized that he had no clue what he was consuming. Not that it really mattered to him; if it tastes good, then it goes down. The walk to the Cliffs was much shorter than originally anticipated. After a quick head-count, Rowan realized he was not the only one to be summoned by Goodwitch. There were five others that arrived before him. Rowan jogged his memory, trying to recall what he was told his first day would be like. He faintly remembered something regarding initiation, as well as the forming of teams. He assumed that this must be his initiation. He was eager to form teams, especially with this group of students. He studied some of them more closely, making note of the Faunus girl, who was conversing with another student. There was a lone boy overlooking the forest, tinkering with his bow. Standing before the two professors were a pair of students who appeared to be questioning the professors, presumably regarding the task at hand. Not entirely sure what he was supposed to do, Rowan pulled out his gloves. It was dangerous to leave the gloves imbued with Dust when they were not in use, which meant he had to go through the laborious process of applying it every time he wanted to use them. Without the Dust, they were just a pair of black gloves. The gloves faintly glowed red when they came into contact with the Dust.