Once outside Velvet observed what could only be described as hysterical joy as the other prisoners engaged in all manner of acts in premature celebration. Their actions caused the petite brunette to grip her makeshift weapon all the tighter in case she were forced to defend herself. "North!" the voice had urged and in a tone that demanded haste. Velvet for one didn't like anyone ordering her around but she understood the logic of the voice for surely the Quizzy would be on their trail with all possible haste; they couldn't be allowed to escape civil justice. Which way is north? She asked herself and came to the conclusion she had no way to tell and that's when the boys called Charlie an Tobi began trying to take command. It was their distraction that gave her enough time to remember that the ship would have survival gear near the cockpit in case it's crew were forced into an emergency landing. She turned and headed towards the bow of the ship from the outside in case the inner hatch was secured against entry because the outer hatches would have rescue releases that anyone could use.