[@Ninian] [@Light Lord] [center][h1][color=ec008c]Sirina[/color][/h1][/center] A gentle smile danced across Sirina's face. Then she turned a faint shade of pink as Devon said her and her Pokemon could be knocking on the league's door in no time. [color=ec008c]"Th.. thank you."[/color] She stated and was quiet for a while as she imagined herself fighting against the league. The idea seemed so ridiculous and silly. [color=ec008c]"Of course. you are a researcher. If i didn't let you document a new Mega Evolution, that would just be rude."[/color] Sirina chuckled, smiling at the Froslass as it retreated to the other pokemon. [color=ec008c]"It's kind of nice to see a Froslass this close. The one i know never let us get close to her before fading. What a beautiful pokemon."[/color] Tamaki wiggled his body excitedly as Cyan spoke to him about swimming. [color=00aeef][/color] then his eyes sparkled. [color=00aeef][/color] Spud toddled over to the two, a dopey grin spreading across his face. [color=0072bc][/color] Tamaki giggled. [color=00aeef][/color] [color=0072bc][/color] he laughed at his own joke. [color=00aeef][/color] Tamaki piped. Nana turned from her trainer at the Froslass' comment, her ears flicking. [color=ed1c24][/color] Maybe the airplanes, though that would be silly considering they'd started putting a powerful psychic pokemon up front with the pilot just in case something went wrong and they had to make an emergency landing. So.. something else then? Maybe he was secretly being chased by someone.. or had done something bad and had some kind of criminal background which made travel difficult. She flicked her gaze to Pent suspiciously before turning back to face the Froslass.