[I]Crisp British accent, stuffy choice of vocabulary... yeah, she's nobility. I'm going to have to try to get her to let her hair down.[/i] Alicia nodded as the other girl introduced herself. "Alicia Sanders, first year student. Plants a specialty. As for whether or not we'll get along, that's entirely up to you. Don't push me around, and I'll do the same for you." At that moment, what seemed to be a spider-girl entered the treehouse. Alicia's eyebrows raised slightly. Sure, she knew that there were nonhumans around, but she'd never actually met one before. When the arachnid apologized and offered to wait until they were done talking, Alicia shook her head. "No, it's quite alright. We're going to be living together for a while, so we might as well get to know each other." She gestured at the bed she was sitting on. "Come on, sit down. It's not like I bite or anything."