[center][img]http://shadowness.com/file/item6/182401/image.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=blue]Angelo Ortega[/color][/h1][/center] [color=yellow][b][u]Child of: Light[/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=yellow][b][u]Nickname: gold tone[/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=blue][b][u]Age:200[/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=red][b][u]Gender: Male[/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=red][b]Sexuality: Straight[/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=red][b][u]Relationship Status: Single[/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=yellow][b][u]Species: Angel[/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=yellow][b][u]Occupation: musician [/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=green][b][u]Likes: Music, art, those that push for peace [/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=red][b][u]Dislikes: People wanting war, broccoli, seeing innocent being in pain no matter what race they are[/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=black][b][u]Fears: his Music will never be played again and/or his music wont help anyone[/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [hider=Weapon] [img]http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/200H/i/2014/045/7/6/angel_s_spear_by_pearl_shadow-d76ivt9.png[/img] [/hider] [color=blue][b][u]Personality: Angelo is an artist in the musical arts and has no real love for war and fighting. Angelo believes that music transcends all races and can bring even the harshest of people into a calm and serene state. Angelo prefers to let his actions speak for themselves and as a result isn't much of a talker but he is always willing to listen to another's problems in the hopes of helping them. He also believes that if their is a way to help then it should be done because not helping someone is worse. Angelo has learned through his travels that innocent people take the most pain and suffering from a war they did not want. Angelo has traveled hoping that those who take the time to listen to his music will be inspired to help end the war and show that they didn't want a war they are simply a part of it the same way the demons are. Angelo has a soft spot for children with their innocence even those of the darkness have some small amount of innocence that shows their intentions are not always evil but simply out of necessity.[/u][/b][/color] [color=blue][b][u]History: Angelo was born to loving parents who supported him throughout his life telling him all the things he should know about being an angel like treating others with respect and kindness and to always help someone else. They best taught him these lessons as they owned a tavern in the city each day Angelo would see many different people and races come through simply to have a drink and enjoy the music their were brawls sometimes but his father was strong enough to force them outside to do it. Angelo had always been around high spirits and music it was on the day that a strange old man came into the tavern that Angelo soon found his passion for music at a young age when he heard the old man playing a beautiful melody on a flute in the tavern. Angelo listened intently and the old man smiled at him as he finished the song getting applause from the crowd. Angelo soon learned that in fact he was a demon trying to get back home to the dark lands, at first Angelo felt a little afraid of him since they were so opposing but the old man was kind and he even taught Angelo a few basic tones of the flute he played. He soon fell in love with the song and he wished to make his own that will bring people the kind of happiness and tranquility that he felt on that day. When Angelo was of age to travel alone he took his flute and joined a group of musicians hoping to help raise their troops spirits because of the war. They couldn't fight but they all believed that they could still help by brightening their day. However when they got their they couldn't believe their sight of so many injured or dead on the ground. Even at camp they could smell the corpses in the air. Angelo was about to believe that it was the demons fault until one day at his tent he saw a little girl going through his things and he quickly stopped her but he soon saw how starved she looked and the look in her eyes told him that she was desperate and out of options. Angelo asked her why she was their and she said she was trying to get food back to her father who was dying at their home because we didn't help them. Angelo felt so guilty so he gave her a bag of bread and he realized that war hurts not only the soldiers but the innocent families caught in the cross fire. Angelo left the group and went on to explore on his own playing his flute to try and get people to listen and see that the war was hurting more people then they realized. Angelo couldn't stand the idea of war and people who would let it happen.[/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=blue][b][u]Extra: He has a silver flute and a necklace that his parents gave him for good luck that he hasn't taken off since[/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent]