[b][u]The [s]Cake[/s] Dungeon Was a Lie[/u][/b] "...I hate this world already." Velte remarked with an almost bland expression on his face as soon as he saw the three wolves in the supposedly beginner dungeon, the elf already getting into the role of a sardonic straightman. Still, despite his look on the outside, internally the boy was all but freaking out at the sight of the obviously supernatural wolves that were probably a bit more dangerous than their mundane counterparts. The hamster turning into a ding-dong bear made him audibly twitch even more, not even having the vitriol to say anything about that. Still, at least it looked like it was on their side. With a huge sigh to release pent up stress and frustration, the elf moved himself in front of the frozen girl and hefted his giant sturdy toothpick outwards with legs bent in a primal stance. At the very least the enclosed space made it much easier for the bear to be a meat shield and for the elf to figure out where to point the sharp end of the stick at in case it got past the lummox. "C'mon over here, fido. I got a stick with your name on it." Muttering under his breath to steady his frayed nerves, the reincarnator got ready to shove everything in one savage thrust at anything that made it past the bear-icade.