[quote=@Arckedflight029] Name: Magnus Williams. Age: 16 Gender: male Appearance: Warm, friendly, brown eyes and slightly tanned skin. While being 5"10', and weighing 140 pounds, he has a rather fit build. His normal attire is a blue shirt with bright green stripes at either side, he usually wears grey athletic shorts. Personality: Magnus is a rather easy going friendly guy, who has a terrible temper. While he, at times, can keep his temper down, when he succumbs to it, it's similar to an explosion. At time Magnus can be somewhat of a goof ball, playing around rather then being serious. However, when needed, he can be quite serious. First Weapon: Magnus uses a twenty four inch sword, steel sword, which he is rather skilled with. Starting Power: energy control: The user can create, and use, bolts of energy that cause sudden pain when hitting an opponent. The user can only summon ten per recharge, however they can summon smaller orbs of energy that only cause disorientation. [/quote] And his ID shall be! B - 001 You may put it on the character tab.