Welcome to my humble abode! Before we get into some of my ideas and what not, here's a little bit about me: -I'm in school, so replies will happen more so in the later hours or on weekend (at least, until summer). -I've been roleplaying for 4 years and I love writing, so don't worry, I know English. -My rp cravings go off the wall sometimes so expect some randomness in my ideas. -I don't mind mature content but I WILL NOT do a suicide roleplay. -Curse as much as you like, I don't care. -I am willing to try a small group but I prefer 1x1. -DON'T BE AFRAID TO SUGGEST A PLOT LINE. I love hearing other's ideas!!! It's how some of the greatest inventions were created so don't be afriad!! Please note that everything I put here is subject to change based on my mood and basically anything. Plot Lines [hider=Apocalypses Aren't All That Fun] A nuclear war broke out years ago. No one can quite remember why but those who are alive know how stupid it was. But it did happen. As a result, a nuclear winter took hold of the globe. Food had become scarce, most shelters weren't strong enough to keep out the cold winds or snow, and people started turning on one another in the competition for food and warmth. To make matters worse, strange beasts had also appeared along side the storms. We are one of the few survivors, struggle to make through each day. We kept away from most, knowing that we'd be a prime target for the newly formed, savage gangs. They all claimed to stand for the survival and recreation of humankind but, in reality, they were all just thugs looking for an excuse to have sex before they die. Still, there are a few groups who are actually trying to save people. Even so, we are loners. Just barely scrapping by in terms of survival. Until one day... [/hider] If you have on you like, PM me and we can work out some details!