[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=James%20McNamara&name=LT%20Oksana%20Light%20Italic.ttf&size=40&style_color=FF2929[/img][/center] "Do you have your glasses on?" "...Yes?" "For God's sake, James. Put them on!" "Alright, alright! I'm doing it right now!" James retorted and set his phone aside for a moment, fishing out a brand new pair of spectacles he had gotten over the break from his coat pocket. Somehow, his eyesight had gotten worse and the old ones just didn't suffice anymore. Which was probably something he should've seen coming, since his glasses were usually left in a forgotten corner to collect dust. And his nearsightedness wasn't about to go away just by ignoring it. He first noticed the change for the worse while he was out with a couple of buddies back in his hometown on his last week of vacation. They decided it would be absolutely hilarious to shepherd James straight into a solid brick wall which he swore had magically apparated out of thin air. It was, for a time, rather hilarious, because truly, there was nothing funnier than taking advantage of a friend's blind (excuse the pun) faith in those around him. James snorted derisively to himself. He really was as blind as a bat. It was like in Scooby-Doo, when Velma drops her glasses and is out of commission for two hours. Except in this case, [i]he[/i] was Velma. "There! I've got them on. Happy now? Or do I have to send you a selfie to prove it?" "No, that won't be necessary." the tinny, female voice emanating from James' phone declared. His aunt had made it a point to call at least five times per day in the three he'd been here. Which was tolerable enough at first but quickly grew torturous, especially since it was the same questions every single time. He knew that it was just because she worried about him but in all honesty, it was starting to get a little out of hand. "Did you remember to bring your suitcase?" "Yes, this is the sixth time you're asking me. Anyway, I've gotta go, don't want to be late, right? Okay, love you, bye." James quickly hung up before his aunt went on any further. Taking a moment to psych himself up, he rounded the corner to enter the school compound with his guitar slung across his back and his suitcase wheeled behind him. James made a beeline for the dormitory building, hoping to make it to his assigned room before anyone spotted him. Stepping into the building, he made quick work of collecting his keys and unpacking in his room. Thankfully, whoever his roommate was, they weren't here yet, so they wouldn't be around to see him with his really high degreed glasses on. On the bright side, he thought to himself, at least this pair didn't look like they belonged to someone's grandfather. But all in all, they were still pretty bad. Now he was going to look like a pretentious hipster douchebag instead of an eighty year old man, which really wasn't much of an improvement. He obviously didn't think it through when he bought them. Flopping rather unceremoniously onto one of the sofas in the living room, James decided to wait and see who he'd be sharing his room with for the rest of the year before doing anything else. --- [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Seth%20Kabhsenuf&name=SmartFrocksNF.ttf&size=50&style_color=E8C517[/img][/center] Seth was, most decidedly, not having the best day. And that was putting it gently. First, he had to turn his entire apartment upside down in a search for his in search of the a decent looking jacket. Which he didn't even manage to find, and he ended up having to settle for a ratty, old jacket of grey tweed that he'd owned since his college days. Secondly, his car broke down. Maybe the battery died or the engine overheated. He didn't know how it happened, but it happened. And finally, to put the icing on the cake, the cabbie that drove him to Caelbury had to be the single most xenophobic asshole to walk this earth. Seth was actually impressed that the cabbie was able to drive him all the way to Caelbury without blowing a gasket. But that was probably because he wasn't about to say no to money. A bout of annoyed coughing shook him from his thoughts and he noticed that after what seemed like an eternity, he was finally at the school. And of course, the cabbie was none too patiently waiting for him to pay his fare. Despite Seth's disdain for the taxi driver, he fell over himself, checking every coat pocket, every cranny of his wallet to scrounge up the exact amount in coins and rumpled notes, even spewing out a few hasty apologies when he realized he was taking far too long. [i]'Well, then. There goes my dignity.'[/i] he thought to himself, inwardly facepalming. Handing over the money, Seth quickly gathered up his belongings and hopped off, wisely ignoring the dirty look that the cabbie shot him when he slammed the door shut. Taking a deep breath, Seth started to head towards the main school building. The grounds were kept in pristine condition, as always and some students were already starting to arrive. He noticed a few familiar faces, some his colleagues, other his students, but he decided against it. He still hadn't had his morning coffee yet in his rush to get here on time and would prefer to not look like a corpse in front of the general public. Despite having taught here for a year already, he sometimes still found the school compound difficult to navigate, but thankfully, the route to the teacher's lounge was one that he was familiar with. He took a short moment to inspect himself in the reflection of a window. Tweed jacket, with matching grey trousers, white dress shirt, navy blue tie and a pair of Ralph Lauren wingtips. His shoes were probably the only expensive things in his outfit, unlike some of the other teachers here who came to school decked out head-to-toe in branded goods. Deciding that he probably shouldn't stare at his reflection for too long, lest some passersby think he was some sort of narcissistic freak, he entered the building through the main doors. The very thought of freshly made coffee put a spring in his step and he quickened his pace. Soon enough, he had reached his destination. Pushing the door open, he spotted the coffee machine. The coffee machine here was a thing of wonder, all sleek lines and complex buttons that looked like it was designed by Tony Stark. Unlike the coffee machine in the previous school he taught in; it had been in the ground-floor break-room (which was actually a repurposed walk-in supply cupboard, with just enough room for the sofa and nothing else). It wasn't nearly as well equipped. It was old. And cheap. And it produced the most appalling coffee Seth has ever had the misfortune of drinking, including the swill he drank at university that came out of the instant coffee dispenser where all the cockroaches lived. [i]This[/i] coffee machine produced the most delicious, wonderful coffee that met even the most exacting standards. So it was to his complete and utter dismay when he discovered the coffee was lukewarm. It was clear that someone had been here before him. It was also clear that he had failed to notice the three other people in the room in his search of a cup of hot coffee right up until he spun around to face them. "Oh god. Sorry, I didn't even... see you guys there." said, making some sort of apologetic hand gesture. "Just here to get some coffee." Sluggishly, he turned back ground to pour himself a cup of the caffeinated beverage, dropping in two sugarcubes instead of the usual one. He was gonna need it.