[center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Percy%20Jackson%20Roleplay%20-%20Characters/Post%20Gifs/Erin_zpstefkewsv.gif[/img][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Percy%20Jackson%20Roleplay%20-%20Characters/Post%20Gifs/Syleste_zpspku3imw8.gif[/img] [h1][color=DarkCyan]Erin Marie Chase[/color] and [color=LightPink]Syleste Astrea Nioré[/color][/h1] [h2]The Obstacle Tower ~ Camp Half-Blood[/h2] [sup]Interacting with: Mathew Cartelle ([@Classpet]), Charlie Alexander ([@smarty0114])[/sup][/center] “..no…” Erin’s voice came out almost softer than a whisper as she let the news about what was going on sink into her very core- this couldn’t be happening… there was no way in Hades that Griffin would have stolen the blonde bimbo’s bird. It just wasn’t like him at all- wasn’t in his nature, though she had to admit that if he [i]had[/i] stolen the stupid bird, it was an impressive feat nonetheless… “M-Matty… I don’t understand; I know Griffin, he would never do what they said he has…” Unable to hide the shock that filled her voice at the situation that had arisen, Syleste turned her attention over to where she had last heard her brother’s voice coming from, her hand reaching out to gently take a hold of the bottom of his top as she lifted her head up in his general direction, her soft pink lips parting slightly as though asking for reassurance that she was right about her childhood friend before she turned her head back to where she knew Erin was still sitting, “Erin; you know that I’m about this- you have to tell the-…” Tearing her gaze away from both the God and the Centaur once they had both said their piece, Erin allowed her dark eyes to scan about the area until finally, they came to a rest upon the one person she had been searching for, her gaze meeting for only a brief moment with that of Hawley before she was off, “..I-… I’m sorry Syleste…” “E-Erin..?” Lifting up from its place among their friends, Erin let her feet quickly carry her away from the situation altogether, her arms swinging lightly at her side as she hurried to put more space in between her and the rest of the camp- she couldn’t believe what she was hearing… sure the Gods were well known for their whole ‘attack first, ask questions later’ attitude, but to accuse someone of something just because of a reputation left behind by something that their older sibling did..? The very thought had her hands balling into fists, and her arms visibly shaking as they continued to swing lightly at her sides, her whole form seeming to darken and blur slightly at the edges before finally, she disappeared from sight completely; her entire body bursting apart into black mist as she stepped foot into the shadows. Faltering slightly at her friends sudden apology, Syleste inadvertently tightened her hold over her brother’s top, her body shaking lightly as stooped her head downward, her shoulders hunching over slightly as her brows furrowed in worry for not only her childhood friend, but also for the other three that were supposed to be going with him to get back the Goddesses dove that had been stolen- Griffin wasn’t the only one who was supposed to be going… Ky’ vie, Jessica… shutting her eyes tightly, Syleste couldn’t help the way that her body hunched even further over than it already was at the very thought of the fourth person who was supposed to be leaving the camp on the search for Aphrodite’s bird- this was Gabriel’s first quest… the first time that he was supposed to be leaving the camp since he had arrived… the first time that he was supposed to be leaving her… Biting lightly upon her lower lip for a few moments of thought, Syleste took time to settle the confusing flurry that was her thoughts before finally, she made up her mind, her hand relaxing around her brother’s top enough for it to fall once more back to her side as she slowly lifted herself up from where she had been sitting, her cheeks flushing a soft shade of red and her hands coming together nervously in front of her stomach as she turned to face where she had last heard her friends voice, her body shifting anxiously over the spot in which she stood as she spoke, unsure of whether or not she was going to get teased like she had earlier on by Elena for what she had said, “U-Uhm… excuse me, Charlie… do-… do you think you could take me over to your brother..? I… I want to wish him luck for his first quest…”