Sklog looked frantically back and forth between the elevator door and the incoming monster but it eventually decided he wasn't worth it and went after Prism who Sklog hoped would be able to handle herself against the beast that he was much too terrified of but the abomination got the best of her and now had her pinned. [i]Sklog get out of here, Sklog live, Sklog no want to die![/i] It was likely the end of Prism but Sklog would survive if Turbulence showed up and then he could finally be sa- and then there was darkness for Sklog. He had seemingly passed out once again but this time when he regained consciousness he wasn't in his Alt mode anymore and he was barreling towards the techno-organic monster with his weapons drawn. Sklog was very scared at first, after all he was about to attempt to take down one of his biggest fears, but then he got a very, very familiar feeling that he hadn't felt since he woke up and that feeling was the feeling of battle. "Sklog help!" Sklog bellowed as he swung his mace with both hands at Blackarachnia like a baseball bat, hoping to knock it off of Prism at least. If this worked Sklog planned on beating on that thing for as long as he could keep it on the ground. "Sklog not hide like Sparkling! Sklog fight like Dinobot!" he yelled hoping to give himself some more confidence but his limitedly intelligent mind didn't see any way of this fight going well for him.