[B]Gratia Mindaro - La Grande Terreur[/B] Cold onyx met tearful, broken blue. [b][color=2E2C2D]B[/color][/b] Gratia Mindaro studied the object before her. [b][color=2E2C2D]I[/color][/b][right][i][color=6050DC]Bianca wanted me to tell you, she's sorry.[/color][/i][/right][b][color=2E2C2D]B[/color][/b] Her gaze followed the length of the Faunus' body, studying the pained winces, strained movements, dark bruises upon pale white skin. [b][color=2E2C2D]E[/color][/b] The dirty feathers. [b][color=2E2C2D]R[/color][/b] The shame and despair. [b][color=2E2C2D]E[/color][/b] She blinked. Once. Twice. [b][color=2E2C2D]V[/color][/b] Her facial expression changed not a single iota. [b][color=2E2C2D]I[/color][/b] It was impossible to tell what she was thinking. [b][color=2E2C2D]N[/color][/b] "[color=66cd00]Understood.[/color]" [b][color=2E2C2D]U[/color][/b] A single word. Devoid of any emotion. As if she had become a harsh tundra. [b][color=2E2C2D]M[/color][/b]